Here is the second of four articles on Client Graphics. This was originally in a technical paper written by Autodesk Developer Network engineer Xiaodong Liang.
Note: Segment 1 is here
This zip file has a VB.NET project with the examples discussed in this section.
Download ClientGraphics_Segment_2
Start of segment 2
Graphic Primitives
Point is the simplest graphics object available. You could change the point style such as circular dot, a cross etc, and from Inventor 2011, a Point can be displayed with an image. (This section uses VBA code snippets. In 64 bit using iPictureDisp from out of process is a known limitation. In 64 bit VBA is out of process)
' <code snippet : Point>
Dim oPointCoords(8) As Double
oPointCoords(0) = 0: oPointCoords(1) = 0: oPointCoords(2) = 0
oPointCoords(3) = 0: oPointCoords(4) = 1: oPointCoords(5) = 0
oPointCoords(6) = 1: oPointCoords(7) = 1: oPointCoords(8) = 1
' Create an image set
Dim oImageSet As GraphicsImageSet
Set oImageSet = oDataSets.CreateImageSet(oDataSets.count + 1)
Dim oImage As IPictureDisp
Set oImage = LoadPicture("C:\Temp\MyImage.bmp")
Call oImageSet.Add(1,oImage)
‘add point graphics and assign the data
Call oCoordSet.PutCoordinates(oPointCoords)
Dim oPointGraphics As PointGraphics
Set oPointGraphics = oPointNode.AddPointGraphics oPointGraphics.PointRenderStyle = kFilledCrossPointStyle
oPointGraphics.CoordinateSet = oCoordSet
oPointGraphics.BurnThrough = True
These are individual line segments. Line graphics use two coordinates to define a line, and then the next two coordinates to define the next line, and so on through the defined coordinates.
Line Strip
These are a connected set of lines. Line strips use the first two coordinates to define the first line and then the last point of the first line becomes the first point of the second line and the next coordinate is used as the end point of the second line. This results in the set of points being connected by a continuous set of lines, drawing a continuous curve. So to define 2 connected lines, just 3 coordinates would be required.
‘<code snippet: Line or LineStrip> Dim oPointCoords(11) As Double ‘create 4 points
oPointCoords(0) = 0: oPointCoords(1) = 0: oPointCoords(2) = 0
oPointCoords(3) = 1: oPointCoords(4) = 1: oPointCoords(5) = 0
oPointCoords(6) = 2: oPointCoords(7) = 0: oPointCoords(8) = 0
oPointCoords(9) = 3: oPointCoords(10) = 1: oPointCoords(11) = 0
Call oCoordSet.PutCoordinates(oPointCoords)
‘Line: every 2 points for 1 Line
Dim oGraphic As LineGraphics
Set oGraphic = oGraphicsNode.AddLineGraphics
‘Line strip: totally, 3 lines
‘Dim oGraphic As LineStripGraphics
‘Set oGraphic = oGraphicsNode.AddLineStripGraphics
These are used to define individual triangles. Each set of three coordinates defines a triangle. The next three coordinates then define the next triangle, and so on through all of the coordinates that are provided.
Triangle Strip
These provide a connected set of triangles. The first three coordinates define a triangle and the next coordinate defines another triangle using the previous two coordinates. You could also specify the strip length. This is provided for performance reasons.
‘<code snippet: Triangle or Triangle Strip>
Dim oPointCoords(20) As Double ‘create 7 points,
oPointCoords(0) = 0: oPointCoords(1) = 0: oPointCoords(2) = 0
oPointCoords(3) = 1: oPointCoords(4) = 1: oPointCoords(5) = 0
oPointCoords(6) = 2: oPointCoords(7) = 0: oPointCoords(8) = 0
oPointCoords(9) = 3: oPointCoords(10) = 1: oPointCoords(11) = 0
oPointCoords(12) = 4: oPointCoords(13) = 0: oPointCoords(14) = 0
oPointCoords(15) = 5: oPointCoords(16) = 1: oPointCoords(17) = 0
oPointCoords(15) = 5: oPointCoords(16) = 1: oPointCoords(17) = 0
oPointCoords(18) = 6: oPointCoords(19) = 0: oPointCoords(20) = 0
Call oCoordSet.PutCoordinates(oPointCoords)
‘Triangle: every 3 points for 1 triangle
Dim oGraphic As TriangleGraphics
Set oGraphic = oGraphicsNode.AddTriangleGraphics
‘or Triangle Strip: totally 5 triangles
‘Dim oGraphic As TriangleStripGraphics
‘Set oGraphic = oGraphicsNode.AddTriangleStripGraphics
oGraphic.CoordinateSet = oCoordSet
Triangle Fan
This defines a set of connected triangles. The first coordinate is shared in all triangles. The first three coordinates define a triangle. And the next coordinate defines another triangle using the previous coordinates: one of which is the first coordinate. If all the coordinates surround the first point, then the resulting graphics looks like a fan. Again this facility is provided primarily for performance reasons.
‘<code snippet: Text>
Dim oTG As TransientGeometry
Set oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
Dim oTextGraphics As TextGraphics
Set oTextGraphics = oNode.AddTextGraphics
oTextGraphics.Text = Text
oTextGraphics.Anchor = oPosition
oTextGraphics.Bold = True
oTextGraphics.Font = "Arial"
oTextGraphics.FontSize = 40
oTextGraphics.HorizontalAlignment = kAlignTextLeft
oTextGraphics.Italic = True
Call oTextGraphics.PutTextColor(0, 255, 0)
Curves include the following objects: LineSegment, Circle, Arc3d, EllipseFull, EllipticalArc and BSplineCurve. The object TransientGeometry is used to create the geometry and client graphics then uses this geometry as input. You can also use the geometry from a model’s native data too.
‘<code snippet: Curve>
Dim oTG As TransientGeometry
Set oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
Dim oCircle As Inventor.Circle
Set oCircle = oTG.CreateCircle(oTG.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0),
oTG.CreateUnitVector(0, 0, 1), 5#)
Dim oGraphic As CurveGraphics
Set oGraphic = oGraphicsNode.AddCurveGraphics(oCircle)
TransientBrep is used to create the underlying geometry data, and client graphics objects then use this geometry. Again you can use the model’s native data: face, faces or face collection too.
‘<code snippet: Surface>
Dim oTransientBRep As TransientBRep
Set oTransientBRep = ThisApplication.TransientBRep
Dim oTG As TransientGeometry
Set oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
Dim oBody As SurfaceBody
Set oBody = oTransientBRep.CreateSolidCylinderCone _
(oTG.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0), _
oTG.CreatePoint(0, 10, 0), _
5, 5, 0) Dim oSurfaceGraphics As SurfaceGraphics
Set oSurfaceGraphics = oSurfacesNode. _
End of Segment 2