It might not be easy to check manually if a document and its referenced documents are relying on external iLogic rules or not.
They might be used from "Event Triggers" or called from other rules using the "RunExternalRule" function.
Here is a utility rule that can be used to help with this. The results will be printed in the "iLogic Log" panel.
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Sub Main() Dim doc As Inventor.Document doc = ThisDoc.Document CheckDocument(doc) For Each doc In doc.AllReferencedDocuments CheckDocument(doc) Next End Sub Sub CheckDocument(doc As Document) Logger.Debug("Checking document " + doc.FullDocumentName) CheckEventTriggers(doc) CheckRules(doc) End Sub ' Check if any Event Trigger use an external rule Sub CheckEventTriggers(doc As Document) Dim propSets As PropertySets = doc.PropertySets Dim iLogicPropSet As PropertySet Try iLogicPropSet = propSets.Item("{2C540830-0723-455E-A8E2-891722EB4C3E}") Catch Exit Sub End Try For Each prop As Inventor.Property In iLogicPropSet If Not prop.Value.StartsWith("file://") Then Continue For Logger.Debug(prop.Name + " uses " + prop.Value) Next End Sub ' Check if any rules try to execute an external rule Sub CheckRules(doc As Document) Dim iLogicAuto = iLogicVb.Automation Dim rules = iLogicAuto.Rules(doc) If (rules Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub For Each rule In rules CheckRuleText(rule.Name, rule.Text) Next End Sub Sub CheckRuleText(ruleName As String, ruleText As String) ' Used to figure out the Regex string Dim res = Regex.Matches(ruleText, "(RunExternalRule\s*\(\s*"")(.+)(\"")") Dim externalRules = New List(Of String) For Each match As Match In res Try Dim name = match.Groups(2).Value If Not externalRules.Contains(name) Then externalRules.Add(name) End If Catch End Try Next If externalRules.Count > 0 Then Dim str = String.Join(", ", externalRules) Logger.Debug(ruleName + " uses these external rules: " + str) End If End Sub
And the result when running it on my assembly: