New user-interface elements such as the mini-toolbar were introduced in the 2012 release. The mini-toolbar could be a welcome addition to your application’s user interface and making one is fairly easy. In this example a Visual Basic forms application is used. (Similar steps could be taken to create the toolbar in your Add-In)
Here are the steps to create this example.
1. Using Visual Studio in a Windows Forms application, add a class. (Name it something like clsMiniToolbar). Also add a button to the form.
2. In the click event for the button have it create a New clsMiniToolBar.
Private Sub Button1_Click _
(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click
Dim oMiniToolbar As clsMiniToolbar = _
New clsMiniToolbar
End Sub
3. At the top of the code window for clsMiniToolbar add the following Imports:
Imports Inventor
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
4. Add the following declarations to the class. These variables will be instantiated in the constructor for the class (Sub New) that will be added following this step.
Public Class clsMiniToolbar
Dim invApp As Inventor.Application
Dim started As Boolean
Private WithEvents m_miniToolbar _
As MiniToolbar
Private WithEvents m_button1 As _
Private WithEvents m_button2 As _
Private WithEvents m_button3 As _
Private WithEvents m_combo As _
Private WithEvents m_dropDown As _
5. Add the Constructor for clsMiniToolbar. When this class is created, the invApp variable is instantiated with the call to GetActiveObject. If this is successful createMiniToolbar is called as long as there is a document open.
Public Sub New()
invApp = Marshal.GetActiveObject _
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox _
("Need to have a session of Inventor running")
End Try
If invApp.Documents.Count > 0 Then
MsgBox("Need to have a document open")
End If
End Sub
6. Add the createMiniToolbar Sub Procedure. The CreateMiniToolbar method of the CommandManager is used to instantiate the m_miniToolbar variable. You then use the MiniToolbarControls of the MiniToolbar to add the buttons, ComboBox and Dropdown.
Public Sub createMiniToolbar()
m_miniToolbar = _
Dim controls As MiniToolbarControls
controls = m_miniToolbar.Controls
m_button1 = controls.AddButton _
("MyButton1", "Button 1", "This is button 1")
m_button2 = controls.AddButton _
("MyButton2", "Button 2", "This is button 2")
m_button2.AutoHide = True
m_button3 = controls.AddButton _
("MyButton3", "Button 3", "This is button 3")
m_combo = controls.AddComboBox _
("MyCombo", True, True, 35)
m_combo.AddItem _
("Item 1", "Item number 1", , True)
m_combo.AddItem _
("Item 2", "Item number 2", , False)
m_combo.AddItem _
("Item 3", "Item number 3", , False)
m_combo.AddItem _
("Item 4", "Item number 4", , True)
controls.AddLabel _
("MyLabel", "Some stuff:", "Stuff")
m_dropDown = controls.AddDropdown _
("MyDropdown", True, True, True)
m_dropDown.AddItem _
("Thing 1", "Thing 1 tooltip", , , , )
m_dropDown.AddItem _
("Thing 2", "Thing 2 tooltip")
m_dropDown.AddItem _
("Thing 3", "Thing 3 tooltip", , , , )
m_miniToolbar.Visible = True
End Sub
When the createMiniToolbar procedure is run it will create this Mini Toolbar:
7. Now we need to add the events that will run when the user interacts with controls on the mini toolbar. In this example we are just providing feedback that the event occurred. (Note: If you try this example, the MsgBox items may be behind the Inventor Window.)
Private Sub m_button1_OnClick1() _
Handles m_button1.OnClick
MsgBox("Clicked ""Button 1""")
End Sub
Private Sub m_button2_OnClick1() _
Handles m_button2.OnClick
MsgBox("Clicked ""Button 2""")
End Sub
Private Sub m_button3_OnClick1() _
Handles m_button3.OnClick
MsgBox("Clicked ""Button 3""")
End Sub
Private Sub m_combo_OnSelect1 _
(ByVal ListItem As Inventor.MiniToolbarListItem) _
Handles m_combo.OnSelect
MsgBox("Combo selected: " & ListItem.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub m_combo_OnItemHoverEnd1 _
(ByVal ListItem As Inventor.MiniToolbarListItem) _
Handles m_combo.OnItemHoverEnd
Debug.Print _
("Hovered ended over item """ _
& ListItem.Text & """")
End Sub
Private Sub m_combo_OnItemHoverStart1 _
(ByVal ListItem As Inventor.MiniToolbarListItem) _
Handles m_combo.OnItemHoverStart
Debug.Print _
("Hovered started over item """ _
& ListItem.Text & """")
End Sub
Private Sub m_combo_OnItemRemove _
(ByVal ListItem As Inventor.MiniToolbarListItem) _
Handles m_combo.OnItemRemove
MsgBox("Item removed: """ _
& ListItem.Text & """")
End Sub
Private Sub m_dropDown_OnSelect1 _
(ByVal ListItem As Inventor.MiniToolbarListItem) _
Handles m_dropDown.OnSelect
Debug.Print("Dropdown selected: ", _
End Sub
Private Sub m_miniToolbar_OnApply() _
Handles m_miniToolbar.OnApply
MsgBox("Clicked ""Apply""")
End Sub
Private Sub m_miniToolbar_OnCancel() _
Handles m_miniToolbar.OnCancel
MsgBox("Clicked ""Cancel""")
m_miniToolbar = Nothing
m_button1 = Nothing
m_button2 = Nothing
m_button3 = Nothing
m_combo = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub m_miniToolbar_OnOK() _
Handles m_miniToolbar.OnOK
MsgBox("Clicked ""Ok""")
m_miniToolbar = Nothing
m_button1 = Nothing
m_button2 = Nothing
m_button3 = Nothing
m_combo = Nothing
End Sub
(End of the example)
The mini toolbars will be a nice addition to the user interface for your application. The Inventor 2012 API gives you the ability to create these floating, transparent replacements to dialog interfaces.
The API for mini toolbars Support the following:
- Apply, OK, Cancel buttons
- New lines and separators
- Button
- Check box
- Combo box
- Drop-downs
Mini toolbars are also supported within a command (InteractionEvents) and at Application level (CommandManager) as in this example.
Wayne Brill